Get the most euros when you buy Málaga property


By our guest blogger Peter Lavelle

Get the best exchange rate when buying your dream property in Malaga

Get the most euros when you buy Málaga property! Do you have your heart set on buying your dream property in Málaga in 2017? If so whether, you intend to buy a 2-bedroom furnished penthouse in La Cala de Mijas for €255,000, or 3-bedroom country villa with a swimming pool in Torrox for €360,000, you’ll want the best exchange rate.

After all, if the exchange rate is flying high when you transfer money to your Spanish bank account to buy your ideal property in Málaga, you’ll obtain more euros! With this in mind, here are 5 top tips to get you the highest possible total, when you exchange pounds to euros to buy a Málaga property in 2017.

5 Top tips to get the most euros when you buy Málaga property in 2017

1. Use a specialist currency broker to transfer your money to Spain, instead of your high street bank. This is because the banks know that people go to them as the first port of call, so they offer inferior exchange rates. Instead, a dedicated foreign exchange dealer can offer you an exchange rate up to 5% better than your bank. On a £200,000 transfer to Spain, that’s an extra €10,000!

2. Look at transferring your money to Spain, well before you intend to buy your property in Malaga. This is because this gives you the biggest possible window of time for a good exchange rate to become available. Instead, if you transfer your money at the last minute, you’ll have to accept whatever exchange rate is available at that time, which could mean you receive a lower euro total!

3. Accept a good exchange rate as soon as it becomes available, don’t wait to see how high it goes. This is because the exchange rates are extremely volatile, and liable to fall in the blink of an eye. Hence, if you wait to see how high the exchange rate goes, you could miss the peak, and lose out! With this in mind, it’s better to accept a good rate as soon as you see it, to get more euros.

4. Make sure that the currency broker you use is directly authorised by the UK’s Financial Conduct Authority. This will ensure that the currency dealer adheres to all legal and regulatory requirements to keep your money safe, such as keeping your money ringfenced in separate client accounts. This way, you can feel certain that your money will arrive safe, to buy your Málaga property.

5. Avoid foreign exchange brokers that charge fees or commission. In 2017, you can transfer hundreds of thousands of pounds to your Spanish bank account, without paying even a penny in fees or commission. Just ask the currency dealer you’re talking to if they charge any extras, and if they say ‘Yes’, go elsewhere. This way, all your money will go toward buying your dream Málaga property.

Contact Peter Lavelle to transfer money to Spain to buy a property in Málaga

With these 5 tips, you’ll be well on your way to get the highest possible euro total, when you transfer money to Spain to buy a property in Málaga. Keep them in mind!

By Peter Lavelle at foreign exchange broker Pure FX.

Spanish Malaga Estate – The power of winter sun in Torrox, Nerja and along the Costa del Sol – real estate Malaga

Spanish Malaga Estate – The power of winter sun in Torrox, Nerja and along the Costa del Sol – real estate Malaga

October 2016 reports show foreign buyers went sun chasing in October, with areas like Torrox-Costa, Nerja and the Costa del Sol now trending.

This is something we see basically every year, but it comes at the end of a particularly good year for Torrox-Costa, Nerja and the Costa del Sol. The Ministry of Development (Fomento) just reported a healthy rise in foreign sales, particularly in Torrox-Costa where a major part of all house sales in Q2 2016 went to non-Spanish buyers.

British buyers continue to dominate demand in Torrox-Costa, Nerja and along the Costa del Sol. This will increase in 2017, especially for Torrox-Costa and based on the many efforts the local government does to invite international buyers and tourists to this place known for having the best climate in Europe. Last week the local mayor Oscar Medina España and the Councillor for Tourism Sandra Extremera attended the World Travel Market in London where they signed contracts with various British tour operators.

Click here to view opportunities to enjoy the power of winter sun in Torrox, Nerja and along the Costa del Sol.

Nederlandse makelaar Costa del Sol: huizenkopers zien door de bomen het bos niet meer!

Nederlandse makelaar Malaga

¨De huizenmarkt in Spanje en die aan de Costa del Sol in het bijzonder is door de decennia heen altijd al vrij chaotisch geweest¨, aldus JM van Dolder, Nederlandse makelaar Costa del Sol. Eén van de redenen hiervoor is simpelweg het feit dat iedereen huizen te koop mag aanbieden, daarvoor hoeft niemand bepaalde kwalificaties of diploma´s te behalen. Met – in theorie – alleen een autorisatie van de verkoper en de documentatie van de betreffende woning in bezit mag een makelaar een woning in Spanje te koop aanbieden. Maar niet alleen een makelaar! Dit mag de locale café-eigenaar ook, en de huisvrouw die handig is op internet, de uitbater van het tankstation….. Aardige mensen vaak, maar meestal geen vakmensen als het gaat om de onroerendgoedsector! Wist u bijvoorbeeld dat niet alles dat op een woning lijkt daadwerkelijk als woning (¨vivienda¨) verkocht mag worden? De diverse internationale huizenportalen die woningen in Spanje aanbieden geven mede om deze reden vaak een heel verkeerd beeld van het aanbod!

Het kopen van een woning in Spanje is voor de meeste mensen een vrij grote investering. Bij het kopen van een woning in Spanje gaat het ook vaak nog eens om het investeren van de door hard werken bij elkaar gespaarde centen. Kopen mensen een woning in hun eigen land, dan zouden ze wel uitkijken om met ¨zomaar iemand¨ in zee te gaan, alleen omdat hij of zij leuke foto´s van een woning laat zien. Het gekke is – en dat geldt lang niet alleen voor Nederlanders en Belgen – dat bij de aankoop van een woning in Spanje het soms lijkt alsof kopers alle ¨common sense¨, kennis en intelligentie overboord gooien en bijvoorbeeld in één week tijd met 5 tussenpersonen (al dan niet gekwalificeerd) in totaal 30 woningen gaan kijken waarvan enkele meerdere malen met verschillende tussenpersonen.

¨De woningmarkt aan de Costa del Sol is niet transparant¨, hoor ik mensen wel eens zeggen. Of: ¨We zien door de bomen het bos niet meer¨.

Het feit dat praktisch iedereen in Spanje woningen te koop mag aanbieden en verkopers een ongelimiteerd aantal tussenpersonen mogen inschakelen, is helaas een gegeven en daar kunnen we niks aan veranderen. Hoe kunnen wij en hoe kunt u ZELF er nou voor zorgen dat u uw ideale woning in Spanje op een enigszins doeltreffende wijze vindt?

Door in zee te gaan met één, maximaal twee locale en gekwalificeerde makelaars die luisteren naar uw wensen, weten wat ze verkopen en beschikken over een solide netwerk van professionals.

JM van Dolder is Nederlandse makelaar aan de Costa del Sol en landinwaarts sinds 2007.

De crisis van 2008 was voor hem een kans. Hij is van mening dat de bekende huizenportals in Spanje té succesvol zijn geworden omdat bijvoorbeeld één en dezelfde woning zeven keer op dezelfde huizenportal wordt aangeboden door zeven verschillende tussenpersonen.

JM van Dolder heeft huizen in Spanje verkocht in goede en in slechte tijden. ¨De truc is om altijd met de kopersmarkt in contact te zijn en ervoor te zorgen dat de verkoper een realistisch beeld voorgeschoteld krijgt van wat hij of zij qua prijs mag verwachten¨.

Klik hier voor de website van Malaga Estates and Luxury Homes

Andere zeer interessante artikelen voor u als potentiële huizenkoper in Spanje:

  1. Niet zomaar een Nederlandse makelaar in Malaga
  2. Makelaar Costa del Sol over de Spaanse Funda
  3. De rol van de aankoopmakelaar Malaga
  4. Hoe koop je een woning in Spanje?

Property for sale in Malaga – please read this first and save a lot of time! Malaga estates specialists of the new generation

Property for sale in Malaga has been popular since the 60s of the previous century. During the decades the market of property for sale in Malaga has become more and more intransparent and today it can be even named ¨chaotic¨. We have been buyers of property for sale in Malaga for more than 10 years and have learnt that selling and buying property in this market is quite a challenge each time. Sometimes it seems that estate agents never learn! I am not going to sum all the frustrations we have known during the years and would like to give a couple of recommendations of Malaga estates agencies that are specialists in Malaga real estate and of one that specializes in Malaga luxury homes, property for sale in Malaga in the higher price ranges.

1. In Torrox-Costa, perhaps an old-fashioned website yet a well-organized Malaga estates agency: website

2. In Marbella and Torrox-Costa, a Malaga estates agency specialized in property for sale in Malaga province more on the east side in areas like Nerja, Frigiliana, Torrox, Torre del Mar, Rincón de la Victoria. Partners of the Malaga estates agency mentioned in ¨1¨: website

3. In Marbella and Málaga, this Malaga estates agency specializes in Malaga luxury homes: website

LATEST UPDATE: All 3 agencies have decided to use one and the same website from 10 October 2016.

What these 3 Malaga estates agencies have in common:

– Apart from Spanish, the English, French, German and Dutch languages are fluently spoken
– Experienced staff, no employees, only working with independent entrepreneurs each of them having more than 10 years of experience in Malaga real estate and many more years in international business in general
– Entrepreneurs classified as ¨the new generation¨: professionals that have a dream to bring Spanish businesses to a higher level stopping corruption forever and giving the customer service every buyer of property for sale in Malaga deserves.

Nieuwbouw Costa del Sol – lees hier wat wij voor u kunnen betekenen – Nederlandse makelaar Costa del Sol

Nieuwbouw Costa del Sol

Aangenaam kennis te maken! Wij zijn de Nederlandse makelaar Malaga en Costa del Sol. Een nieuw makelaarskantoor dat bestaat sinds de lente van 2016 maar dat alleen bestaat uit doorgewinterde en ervaren ondernemers. Mensen met een gewone achtergrond, misschien net als die van u. Maar ook mensen die al minstens 10 jaar in Spanje wonen en er succesvol zaken hebben gedaan en een betrouwbaar netwerk van professionals om zich heen hebben gebouwd. Hiermee onderscheiden wij ons dan ook: wij zijn niet slechts één van de vele ¨inmobiliarias¨! Wij waren ooit zelf buitenlandse huizenkopers in Spanje en kennen alle frustraties die een woningaankoop in Spanje met zich kan meebrengen. Ons doel is om deze frustraties – met uw hulp – tot een minimum te beperken.

Klikt u hier om een deel van ons aanbod te bekijken.

Ons team wordt geleid door JM van Dolder. Alles bij elkaar hebben we decennialange ervaring met woningverkopen zowel herverkoop van woningen als nieuwbouw aan de Costa del Sol.

Nieuwbouw Costa del Sol in Marbella

JM van Dolder: ¨Sinds eind 2015 hebben wij een hele duidelijke trend geconstateerd dat kopers weer investeren aan de Costa del Sol. Voor wat betreft Marbella is dit vooral nieuwbouw. Marbella is populairder dan ooit en in het bijzonder nieuwbouw in de prijscategorie 1 miljoen – 2,5 miljoen Euro gaat als warme broodjes over de toonbank. Sommige mensen kopen simpelweg op basis van de tekeningen terwijl er nog geen steen is gelegd¨. Nieuwbouw Costa del Sol: wij helpen u met het kopen van uw woning in Marbella.

Nieuwbouw Costa del Sol in Torrox

In vergelijking met Marbella wordt er in Torrox veel minder nieuwbouw aangeboden. Hier gaat het meer om bestaande woningen. Torrox wordt steeds populairder. Waar vroeger naast de Spanjaarden vooral Duitse gepensioneerden de plaats bevolkten, is dit heden ten dage veelzijdiger geworden. Het lokale bestuur van Torrox onder leiding van burgemeester Óscar Medina España investeert veel tijd, energie en geld in het welzijn van de gemeente. Projectleider Sandra Extremera heeft een project dat al 30 jaar op de plank lag, eindelijk mogen starten: het verbeteren van de kwaliteit van het strand door de bouw van 2 pieren. Inmiddels is het dubbele aantal FTE ingezet om ervoor te zorgen dat beide pieren deze zomer klaar zijn. Nieuwbouw Costa del Sol: niet direct te vinden in Torrox maar gelukkig hebben wij er veel andere types woningen te koop staan van eenvoudige appartementen tot luxe villa´s in het buitengebied.

Nieuwbouw Costa del Sol in Nerja

Kent u Nerja al? Een typisch wit Spaans dorp in het oosten van de Costa del Sol. Een autentiek dorp dat haar eigen karakter behouden heeft maar waar u ook alles vindt wat u als moderne toerist of resident nodig heeft. Nerja is ook de plek waar de Sierra de Alhama, Tejeda en Almijara de Middellandse Zee treffen. Vergeleken met Torrox is er in Nerja een groter maar ook duurder aanbod te vinden aan diverse woningen van appartmenten tot luxe villa´s in de prijscategorie over de 2 miljoen Euro. Nieuwbouw Costa del Sol: niet direct te vinden in Nerja maar de alternatieven zijn zeer kwalitatief in wijken als Punta Lara en San Rafael.

Nieuwbouw Costa del Sol in Frigiliana

Frigiliana is de parel van de Costa del Sol. Niet voor niets is het al driemaal uitgeroepen tot mooiste dorp van Spanje! Frigiliana biedt de ideale mix tussen het leven aan de kust en het meer traditionele leven landinwaarts. Mensen van over de hele wereld bezoeken Frigiliana en veel mensen verwezenlijken er hun droom door er te blijven. Inzake nieuwbouw Costa del Sol: net als in Nerja en Torrox past nieuwbouw niet echt bij het karakter van de plaatsen. Maar ook in Frigiliana zijn er genoeg alternatieven te vinden van idyllische dorpshuizen tot luxueuze paleizen.

Nieuwbouw Costa del Sol kunnen wij u overigens wel bieden RONDOM de plaatsen Nerja en Torrox. Bij Torrox hebben wij al woningen met 3 slaapkamers, 3 badkamers en 3 terrassen vanaf 159.900 Euro. Maar voor de grote en meer prestigieuze projecten rijden wij u ook graag naar Marbella!

Nieuwbouw Costa del Sol bij uw Nederlandse makelaar Malaga en Costa del Sol

JM van Dolder
+34-722 728 785

Contact opnemen kan ook middels onderstaand formulier:

    Malaga Estates – read this first and understand why people choose Malaga Costa del Sol Property

    Malaga estates are currently very popular and it appears that they have been more popular than ever. Would this be thanks to the fantastic climate? Or would this be thanks to the life that we live outside rather than inside our Malaga estates? Or perhaps thanks to the fact that we have the ideal combination of sun, sea and mountains which gives us that unique possibility to combine winter sports in Sierra Nevada with beach life at the same time! What is sure that since December 2015 we have seen a very clear trend that there is a big category of buyers looking for Malaga estates.

    Are you a buyer looking for Malaga estates? You deserve the highest service possible in order to save yourself valuable time.

    Interesting link to our partner´s website Malaga Estates, category Malaga Luxury Homes.
    Please click this link to see part of our portfolio of Malaga estates, category Malaga Costa del Sol property.

    We are a new agency yet full of experienced international professionals in the area of Malaga estates. First of all: in the past we were Malaga estates buyers ourselves! And to be honest: all of us faced a couple of frustrations when buying Malaga estates in the past. For this reason we defined our clear objective, wanting to realize our dream to make the Malaga estates market much more transparent for you. Our business is based on mutual commitment between ourselves and you as a buyer. If you choose for us, we can help you making this chaotic Malaga estates market as transparent as you need. The team is lead by Elsa Rodríguez, Juan Carlos García and JM van Dolder, all individual entrepreneurs forming a team and offering a service that is far beyond local average. English, Spanish, German, French and Dutch are spoken fluently.

    As mentioned above the Malaga estates market has always been a bit chaotic. And there are reasons for this. In the first place there is a lot of movement on this market. In the second place, in Spain any estate agent or even any private person can offer all the same properties subject to their agreement with the property owner. Some vendors of Malaga estates think that the more people they contract, the quicker the sale will be realised. Unfortunately it has been proven in many cases that this is not true.

    We as specialists in Malaga estates have made some structure in this market. First of all we simply try to get as much as Malaga estates for sale in exclusiveness. More and more property vendors find us because they have seen our results based on doing things differently. They have seen that our investments in marketing communication channels and research and development have given positive results. In second place we commit to our buyers if they commit to us, the mutual commitment our business is based on as I also mentioned above. One thing that is very important when buying Malaga estates is Plan – Do – Act. Given the character of most of our current buyers, they understand what this means and I am sure that will understand what this means as well! On today´s market of Malaga estates it is no use viewing properties without knowing yet if you can get the necessary money or without knowing yet what exactly you are looking for. We are here to help with both things: first of all we will listen to your needs and requirements and in second place – should you need a mortgage in Spain – we can help you getting in touch with the right people.

    Your contact person regarding Malaga estates:

    JM van Dolder
    +34-654 644 289

    Malaga luxury homes – read this first and save valuable time when buying property along the Costa del Sol

    Malaga luxury homes have become more popular than ever. Since December 2015 we have seen a very clear trend that there is a big category of buyers looking for Malaga luxury homes rather than for bargains like in the past years.

    A new category of buyers in a new market. Are you a buyer looking for Malaga luxury homes? If you are and even if you are looking for other types of properties than Malaga luxury homes, you deserve the highest service possible in order to save yourself valuable time. Among our latest buyers are captains of industry, famous artists, some writers and business leaders. All people that would like to buy Malaga luxury homes but that do not want to waste a lot of time hanging around with agencies without making any progress.

    A new agency full of experienced professionals in the area of Malaga luxury homes opened its doors in spring 2016. This new team focusses on taking away all the notorious frustrations many buyers have had when buying property in Spain. The team is lead by Elsa Rodríguez, Juan Carlos García and JM van Dolder. All together they have more than 25 years of experience in selling Malaga luxury homes and during these many years of experience they all have constructed their networks of reliable partners and professionals.

    Click this link to see just a small selection of Malaga luxury homes

    The Spanish property market has always been chaotic and we as specialists in Malaga luxury homes know how to get some structure in this market. First of all we simply listen to our buyers because everything starts with getting a clear idea of what you want. In second place we are always connected to the supplier-side of the market and based on your needs and the Malaga luxury homes that are available for sale at that time, we give you a clear advice of what to do. One thing that is very important when buying Malaga luxury homes or – in other words – properties in the higher price ranges of the market is Plan – Do – Act. Given the character of most of our current buyers, they understand and we believe that you will also understand what this means!

    Our Malaga luxury homes are offered in Marbella, Torrox, Nerja, Frigiliana and basically anywhere between Nerja and Sotogrande. Our experienced multilingual team with a mature network of reliable professionals surrounding us, has got the passion to help you finding that one property in the very dynamic and ever changing Malaga luxury homes categories. We will offer you the service you deserve and that is far beyond Spanish average. Languages spoken fluently are English, Spanish, French, German and Dutch.

    Your contact person regarding Malaga luxury homes:

    JM van Dolder
    +34-654 644 289

    Click here for our address and more contact details.

    Luxury homes Torrox, Nerja, Frigiliana and Marbella – just a small selection from agency Malaga Costa del Sol Property for sale

    A new agency full of experienced professionals in the area of Malaga Costa del Sol property for sale opened its doors in spring 2016. This new team focusses on sales of Malaga Costa del Sol property and especially of luxury homes in Torrox, Nerja, Frigiliana and Marbella.

    Click this link to see just a small selection of luxury Malaga Costa del Sol property for sale

    The team is lead by Elsa Esther Rodríguez, JC García and JM van Dolder. All together they have more than 25 years of experience in Malaga Costa del Sol property and during these many years of experience they all have constructed their networks of reliable partners and professionals.

    Luxury homes Marbella

    JM van Dolder says: ¨Since the end of 2015 we have seen a very clear trend that buyers have been investing again in Malaga Costa del Sol property. In addition we see that Marbella has become more popular than ever, especially considering the purchase of contemporary villas in the price range between 1 million and 2.5 million Euros. Luxury homes in Marbella have been more popular than ever. People even buy off-plan¨.

    Luxury homes Torrox

    Compared to luxury homes in Marbella, in Torrox it is more difficult to find luxury properties. Torrox has more and more become a niche market. It is incredible to see how this place has been developing since mayor Óscar Medina España took over the local government. Many projects have been started to improve the area. A project leaded by Sandra Extremera in order to improve the local beaches that was defined 30 years ago, finally started under this local government and FTE have even been doubled in order to speed up the project so that it will end before the holiday season. Torrox is attracting more and more quality people and the agency Malaga Costa del Sol property can help you finding those luxury homes in Torrox in that local niche market.

    Luxury homes Nerja

    Do you know Nerja? A Spanish typical white town located along the east side of the Costa del Sol. An authentic village yet with all modern conveniences people require today. A fishers village like you see on some paintings with some tourism but without the mass-tourism you see in many other Spanish coast resorts. Nerja is also the place where the Sierra de Alhama, Tejeda and Almijara touch the Mediterranean Sea. Compared to neighbour village Torrox there are more luxury homes in Nerja available for sale. Popular areas for luxury homes Nerja are located just outside the village in Punta Lara and San Rafael. Contact Malaga Costa del Sol property and they will show you around!

    Luxury homes Frigiliana

    Frigiliana is the pearl of the Costa del Sol. It has been elected most beautiful village of Spain three times already. Frigiliana is the ideal mix between coast life and the traditional Spanish inland life. People from all over the world have known Frigiliana for years and that is why luxury homes in Frigiliana can be rather easily found. Malaga Costa del Sol Property is specialist in this area.

    It does not matter whether you are looking for luxury homes Marbella, luxury homes Torrox, luxury homes Nerja or luxury homes Frigiliana: at Malaga Costa del Sol Property you find an experienced multilingual team with a mature network of reliable professionals surrounding them, in this way being able to offer you the service you deserve that is far beyond Spanish average. Languages spoken fluently are English, Spanish, French, German and Dutch.

    Click here for our address and more contact details

    JM van Dolder
    +34-654 644 289

    Torrox News – lawyer about new regulation for apartments with touristic purposes – lawyers Torrox, Torre del Mar, Axarquia

    lawyer about new regulation for apartments with touristic purposes

    Legal advice from  lawyers Torrox – Torre del Mar – Axarquia: New regulation for apartments with touristic purposes

    Article co-sponsored by Malaga Estates.

    Your lawyer lawyer about new regulation for apartments with touristic purposes. The Junta de Andalucía has just published the Decree 28/2016, which hereafter will regulate the functioning and controlling of the so-called ‘apartments with touristic purposes’ in Andalusia.

    Based on the following list of characteristics it is possible to differentiate the apartments for touristic purposes, as defined by this rule, from others:
    – They are located on land for residential purposes (it is not possible to establish them on land where urban regulation determines a service usage, such as, commercial, office or hotel purposes).
    – There must be an established price for the accommodation.
    – The service should be offered regularly and for touristic purposes.
    – There are two modalities of apartments for touristic purposes: complete modality or per rooms.

    Besides, the Decree highlights four cases where the regulation would not apply:

    1. When there is no economical remuneration for the touristic accommodation.
    2. When the booking period exceeds two consecutive months by the same user. In this scenario an existing regulation for Let will apply.
    3. When the apartment is located on rural land, with its own specific rule.
    4. When there are groups of three or more apartments that belong to the same owner or operator located in the same building or group of buildings, contiguous or not, since the regulation for ‘touristic apartments’ would be already in force.

    From the 11th of May 2016, it will be necessary to register at the Andalusian Touristic Registry to be entitled to offer an apartment for touristic purposes. Nevertheless, a one-year period has been granted for the given apartments to meet the necessary requirements as outlined by the new regulation.

    With this in mind, at our lawyers office we have highly skilled professionals who specialize in Real Estate and Urban Law and who can offer advice and help you to comply with the new regulations.

    How to contact us regarding new regulation for apartments with touristic purposes

    Fill out your name and e-mail address below and we will contact you.

      You can also phone us on +34 722 728 785 or +34-654 644 289 or send e-mail to Please mention reference lawyer Spain.

      Torrox News – country houses getting cheaper like this 4-bedroom one with pool and garden near Sayalonga and Algarrobo

      Torrox News – buyers still love country houses but prefer not buying too high up in the mountains

      A news article from Malaga Estates Costa del Sol.

      In the last 10 years we have seen a very clear trend: people who bought properties like country houses up in the mountains sell those properties and buy nearer to the coast now. Country houses in Torrox, Frigiliana, Sayalonga and Algarrobo are very popular nowadays.

      Because of the fact that some vendors have reached a higer age, prices for country houses in for example Torrox, Frigiliana, Sayalonga and Algarrobo are – against the trend – getting cheaper. Inmobiliaria Mimi Real Estate Malaga Costa del Sol would like to offer you this awesome country house near Sayalonga and Algarrobo at a very reasonable price.

      Country house for sale near Algarrobo and Sayalonga with 4 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, garden with fruit trees, approximately 9,000m2 of land. Spacious lounge with diner and fireplace. Porched terrace and private pool. A rural villa with good access from the main road!

      The main house has 2 bedrooms plus office that could be used as the 3rd bedroom. There are also 2 bathrooms in the main house of which one is en-suite. In the separate complete apartment there are 1 bedroom and 1 bathroom and salon and kitchen with a window facing South.

      Rustic area between Algarrobo and Sayalonga
      Good access, just a few meters from the main road
      Plot: 9,300 m2
      Built: 145 m2
      Living space: 136 m2
      Built all over one level, so no stairs.
      Constructed in 2003

      Price reduced from 250,000 to 225,000 Euros.
      Click this link for more pictures.

      Inmobiliaria Malaga Estates
      +34-654 644 289