Torrox News – Torrox-Costa is hot, thrilling and a magnet for many foreign property buyers willing to buy in the best climate of Europe

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A new local government headed by Mayor Óscar Medina (PP), modern and innovative entrepreneurship, high-class professional services, respect for its history and – of course – the famous best climate in Europe have turned Torrox in a very hot and thrilling area that has been like a magnet for many people both Spanish and foreigners lately.

Article co-sponsored by Malaga Estates.

Traditionally Torrox-Costa was mostly known for its best climate in Europe, its boulevard with many bars, restaurants and entertainment but also for its huge population of German pensioned residents and tourism from Córdoba in summertime. Thanks to German investors in the late 70s and early 80s, Torrox-Costa had been starting developing from an old, sleepy fishers village to what it has become through the years. Respect for the rather German investments and presence has always been there and is reflected in the yearly ¨Torrox Oktoberfest¨. Unlike the original Oktoberfest in Munich, the locals in Torrox mostly celebrate their Torrox Oktoberfest – a dedication to one of the most popular drinks worldwide – in a climate with pleasant temperatures along the Torrox-Costa boulevard. And of course, local traditions are mostly respected as well. Think about the famous Fiesta de las Migas. Curious about our ¨migas¨? Check it out, searching in Google for ¨torrox news migas for free¨.

The German investors brought new ideas and implemented the conditions to make a beach resort like Torrox-Costa successful. Of course the local governments have played a key role in all these developments as well, creating the platform to make all these positive developments possible. An example of the local government´s permanent involvement in order to keep Torrox-Costa at this high level of quality residence: Óscar medina, current Mayor of the council of Torrox that includes Torrox-Costa and El Morche, has stated in various communication channels that the state of the Torrox-Costa beach is a returning concern every year that has got his full attention and that has been solved in time every year. The same Óscar Medina has opened formal communication channels in the English and German languages, realising that part of the current high quality of living in Torrox-Costa has been achieved thanks to investments from foreign people.

Before we continue talking about foreign people let us not forget the local Torrox-Costa residents, professionals and entrepreneurs. These people are the third key players in the achievements so far. Traditionally Torrox-Costa has been attractive to residents from Córdoba and huge has been the work of the local Torrox real estate agents to help all these investors finding their ideal property. And let us not forget the high level of local services like restaurants in every price category, hotels, B&Bs, car rental companies, local niches and of course the work of local lawyers, notaries as well as any local provider of high-class services.

The latest developments, however, are the many property buyers coming from countries like Norway, the Netherlands, Belgium, France and Switzerland. Many people wonder where these people have been coming from but this is not so difficult to explain: from the one hand all Torrox-Costa people together have created the platform and the conditions to form a product that is simply desired by many investors throughout Europe. From the other hand new entrepreneurship has created and opened the necessary communication channels to be able to transmit the passion we all feel for Torrox-Costa.

Article co-sponsored by Malaga Estates.

The near future for Torrox-Costa looks very promising for everybody. Let us keep on doing the good jobs we have done so far and make sure that all of us will take advantage of the current and local developments!

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